
Simulate conversations with Spider-Man using GPT-3 and Deepgram

About Spitey-Sense

Have you ever wanted to talk with your favorite superheroes, but either they're they're unreachable, or they're too busy shooting for their next blockbuster?

With 🕷 Spitey-Sense, you can interact with a simulated version of Peter-Parker! The idea is simple; OpenAI's GPT-3 is trained using scripts from various Spider-Man movies, and the AI was able to learn from Peter Parker's personality. At the end, it was able to predict exactly what Peter Parker would have said if he was asked something.

Source: https://dev.to/just_moh_it/introducing-spitey-sense-simulate-conversations-with-spider-man-using-gpt-3-and-deepgram-1ph2

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