
AI Chat Bots that talk like a Human

Über Quickchat

Quickchat is a fully conversational AI Chat Bot powered by OpenAI's GPT-3, a 175 billion parameters state-of-the-art language model. You can use it to automate your customer support, online applications, searching through internal knowledge base and many other tasks - possibilities are endless! You can think of it as a truly conversational human-computer interface. Implement it on your website, if you want to: 👂 Listen to your customers, 🤖 Automate 80% of customer support, 💰 Generate more leads.

Try it out by talking to Emerson - AI Persona powered by GPT-3: https://www.quickchat.ai/emerson

Quickchat Merkmale

Building your chat bot is very easy! You don't have to create complex decision trees and think about every possible question and every scenario. Simply tell us about your use-case and upload your knowledge base to Quickchat to see how the magic happens!

In order to be able to answer your customer questions, chat bot needs access to information about your products. Simply upload you FAQ's, product descriptions, internal documentation or example conversations to see how quickly AI learns about new things! You can also connect Quickchat to your internal API, database or any other data structure to automate more complex processes using AI.

Users can talk to Quickchat chat bots via Quickchat Web Widget embedded on your website, but also messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, Telegram, Slack, live chats or your own applications integrated with Quickchat. With Quickchat you will never lose your live chat functionality, because you can always easily pause your AI Chat Bot and hand over the conversation to your customer support staff.

Quickchat screenshots

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