Image Creator from Microsoft Bing

Create images from words with AI

About Image Creator from Microsoft Bing

Image Creator, the new AI-based art generator tool that Microsoft announced at Ignite 2022, is now available in Microsoft Bing. The new Image Creator app is only rolling out in preview to Bing in select markets, with an integration with Microsoft Edge to follow.

Powered by OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 technology, Image Creator allows users to create an original image based on natural language descriptions. It’s also possible to provide additional contexts, such as location, activity, or art style, to automatically generate an image.

The rollout of DALL∙E 2 across Microsoft products and services reflects how the company’s investment in AI research is helping to thoughtfully infuse AI into everything it builds, produces and delivers to help everyone boost productivity and innovation.


Image Creator from Microsoft Bing screenshots

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